good with gluten
Gluten is the skeleton of your bread. They are important for structure and firmness. Gluten ensures that bread does not collapse after baking, but retains its shape. Gluten is therefore indispensable in the bakery. But now that an increasing group of consumers associates gluten-free with health, bakers need to take advantage of this. Together with Zeelandia!
More and more consumers are now opting for a gluten-free diet. Almost 40 per cent of consumers worldwide believe that gluten-free food is better for your health. One in ten people says that they follow a gluten-free diet. These are often people aged between 26 and 35, followed by the group of consumers aged between 36 and 45. But what exactly is gluten?
One in ten people says that they follow a gluten-free diet.
What is gluten?
Gluten is an insoluble protein composite, which consists of two groups of proteins: gliadins and glutenins. Gluten is part of the protein found in cereals such as wheat, rye, spelt, barley and Kamut. They are broken down by almost everybody without any problems, just like the proteins in dairy products, for example.
What does gluten do in dough?
By kneading dough made of wheat or spelt, for example, and bringing the gliadins and glutenins into contact with water, a network of gluten is created in this dough. During the baking process, they hold the gas bubbles released in the dough. The gas bubbles are created by the yeast in the dough, which forms CO2. This allows the dough to rise and gives it an open structure. Gliadins are important for the viscosity or elasticity of the dough. Glutenins determine the elasticity or strength of the dough. It requires craftsmanship on the part of the baker to balance these two perfectly so that the bread ultimately has a nice bite, a beautiful structure and a pleasant mouthfeel.
Celiac disease
Only one per cent of the world's population suffers from the condition of coeliac disease: hypersensitivity to the protein gluten, which causes intestinal problems such as abdominal pain and diarrhoea. This means that the majority of people can tolerate gluten without any problems. Those who do not suffer from a gluten allergy or gluten intolerance need not worry about consuming gluten. There is no scientific proof that eating gluten-free is healthier. Nevertheless, around 16% of European consumers try to eat gluten-free because they feel it makes them feel better. Others follow the advice of others to avoid health problems.
Almost 40% of consumers worldwide believe that gluten-free food is better for your health
Together with Zeelandia
Zeelandia gives bakers tools to deal with such health trends. We provide information so that you can tell the true story about your bread range. But we have also been developing ingredients that bakers can use to make gluten-free products to meet market demand since 2008. Our gluten-free products represent a leap forward in processing, taste and eating properties. We also offer bakers technical support and customised offers - for both bread and pastries. In this way, we are working together on a more beautiful world, in which people can feel good and healthy.